The natural host for the virus is the fruit bat |
By Evelyn Okakwu
Since the discovery of Ebola in Nigeria, through the late Patrick
Sawyer, who came into the country from Liberia with the disease, so much has been said
about the deadly diseases and its effects if it spreads across the
country. A couple of days back, Nigerians exhibited their degree of
confusion about the pandemic when rumours about a cure through the use
of salt and warm water dominated the news all over the country, with
the social media playing a key role in misleading a people already on
the verge of confusion.
The Nigerian government has since drafted a committee to look into the
problem, with the President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, declaring a
national emergency on the disease (following the recommendations of the
World Health Organisation, WHO) and approving the sum of N1.9
billion special intervention fund to tackle the growing challenges
emanating from the outbreak.
Also the international community has played its role in the effort to
deal with what has variously been described as the world’s deadliest
disease in recent times.
According to WHO “The Ebola outbreak in West Africa constitutes an ‘extraordinary event’ and a public
health risk to other States”.
“The current EVD outbreak began in Guinea in December 2013. This
outbreak now involves transmission in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and
Sierra Leone. As of August 2014, the above named countries have reported 1 711 cases.
1 070 of which were confirmed, 436 probable, and 205 cases regarded as
suspect". This number, WHO further says include 932 deaths, noting that
this is currently the largest EVD outbreak ever recorded.”
The possible consequences of further international spread are
particularly serious in view of the virulence of the virus, the
intensive community and health facility transmission patterns, and the
weak health systems in the currently affected and most at-risk
A coordinated international response is deemed essential to stop
and reverse the international spread of Ebola.”
While this is true, an equally coordinated response would be necessary
to avert the national spread of the disease in Nigeria.
If the actions of Nigerians last Friday, across the country is any
thing to go by, one thing is certainly derivable-that a hand full of
Nigerians are relatively ignorant about the prose and cones of
maintaining a healthy condition in the face of such a deadly pandemic.
What’s more, the chairman, association of Medical Laboratory
scientists of Nigeria, Dr, Casmir Ifeanyi has stated that the country
is not yet ready to face the wide spread of Ebola, should such become
the case, in the country. According to him, the way to containing any
disease, globally is through preventive health care which can only be
achieved through an authenticated Laboratory based surveillance. A
situation which he says is still lacking in the country.
“We need to begin to build capacity of health care professionals,
particularly, medical laboratory personnel. Diagnoses and surveillance
are all laboratory issues and this is key in dealing with the issue of
As noted by the chairman the current industrial action embarked upon
by the Nigerian Medical Association has not in any way helped the
fight to rid the country of the wide spread of Ebola.
More so, the discord among medical practitioner, who have variously fed
the public with contrasting information of the state of the
industrial action has only aggravated the fears of Nigerians further
on the possibilities of winning the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus
Other challenges noted by WHO, as regards the virus in West Africa were
explained thus ; “In light of States Parties’ presentations
and subsequent Committee discussions, several challenges were noted
for the affected countries: These challenges include:
Their health systems are fragile with significant deficits in human,
financial and material resources, resulting in compromised ability to
mount an adequate Ebola outbreak control response;
Inexperience in dealing with Ebola outbreaks; misperceptions of
the disease, including how the disease is transmitted, are common and
continue to be a major challenge in some communities;
High mobility of populations and several instances of cross-border
movement of travellers with infection;
Several generations of transmission have occurred in the three
capital cities of Conakry (Guinea); Monrovia (Liberia); and Freetown
(Sierra Leone); and a high number of infections have been identified
among health-care workers, highlighting inadequate infection control
practices in many facilities".
Fortunately for us in Nigeria, such a spread has not been recorded.
Both stake holders and some Nigerians have said that the effort of
government towards curtailing the spread of the disease among health
practitioners has been quite commendable.
Yet, as aptly noted by the Dr Ifeanyi; “The way to containing any
global disease, pragmatically is through preventive health care
system"; which implies the introduction of vaccines along with the
acceptable cure for the said disease.
Fortunately, a recent report has revealed the existence of drugs
capable of curing the deadly Ebola Virus. The drugs which are
produced by tekmira phamacueticals, known as tekmira from the United
States, and a similar drug, called Favipiravir; an influenza tablet
created by a Fuji Films subsidiary, Toyoma Chemicals-co in Japan, are
still been scrutinised for globall acceptance by stake holder
However, the discovery of a vaccine to accelerate the final
elimination of this dreaded disease is still far from reach. Also the
inability of the Nigerian government to close borders has not been
without its attending pros and cones.
More so, the response of some Nigerians to the popular call to avoid
some factors that could lead to the spread of the disease has not been
quite encouraging.
In this discussion with Nigerians they share their opinion on the call
to desist from eating or hunting bush meat. Mrs Susan Urhomi had this
to say: “I and my family have been eating bush meet for as long as I
can remember. I can count the number of times I have had to buy meat
from the market, cause my husband always travels and brings home bush
meats of different sizes which goes a long way to help in saving my
money for buying meat. My husband goes to the village very often and
he gets bush meat practically free from his friends and relatives. My
people in the village depend on that a lot for livelihood. How can
they just decide to stop eating and even hunting bush meat, even when
they have no other source of livelihood?
Also these man who refuses to mention his name had this to say about
the need to wash hands often after returning from any place. “I do not
exactly see how that can save people if not for God’s intervention.
Because the body operates a very reflex system. You cannot ask the hand not
to go to the skin, in the event of a scratch, what happens in such a
case when the hand is already infected. And how do you tell exactly
when one’s hand has been infected or not? So the bottom line is that
something should be done to independently curtail the spread of this
disease, especially in Nigeria, because take it or leave it, we are
very hospitable in Nigeria, we have a culture that naturally
encourages mingling with each other in various ways, including through
the use of bodily contacts, that are moral and equally warm".
It has been stated that the Ebola Virus can only be contacted when there
is a contact with a sick person from the disease. But from the survey
conducted during this report, it was discovered that not so many
Nigerian are aware of this fact. Also the BBC rightly says concerning the
fears created about this disease that; “People are frightened for two
reasons. First and most importantly, because there's no known vaccine,
no cure (except recently); second, because of the ghastly physical
reality of the disease, as portrayed in those lurid posters”
What this means is that while these drugs for the cure could be
described as a welcomed development, there is the need for the
stakeholders involved to work with the media in ensuring that people
become less frightened and more informed on how to manage the