Jamie Coots, a Pentecostal church pastor and star of
National Geographic’s reality show “Snake Salvation,” died Saturday night in
his Kentucky home after being bitten on his right hand by one of his snakes.
The Middlesboro Police Department told WBIR that Coots was
found dead in his home around 10 p.m. Saturday night after leaving his
Middlesboro, K.Y., church, the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus’ Name, where he
suffered a bite from a venomous snake during an evening church service.
Multiple sources report that when an ambulance crew and
firefighters showed up at the pastor’s residence, Coots refused to be taken to
the hospital for treatment of the snake bite. Coots was a member of a
Pentecostal church whose followers practice snake handling and believe in faith
During an episode of “Snake Salvation,”........
Coots, who comes
from a long line of snake handlers, said that he believed a passage in the
Bible suggests that church members cannot be harmed by venomous snakebites as
long as they were anointed by God, according to CNN. The passage comes from the
book of Mark, chapter 16.
“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name
shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take
up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they
shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover,” the passage reads.
In 2013, National Geographic approached Coots and another
Pentecostal pastor, Andrew Hamblin of the Tabernacle Church of God in LaFollette,
Tenn., to start filming a reality series featuring modern snake handlers.
Producers wrapped up filming last year, and didn’t intend to film a second
season, according to TMZ.
“In the hills of Appalachia, Pentecostal pastors Jamie Coots
and Andrew Hamblin struggle to keep an over-100-year-old tradition alive: the
practice of handling deadly snakes in church,” a description of the show
states. “Jamie and Andrew believe in a Bible passage that suggests a poisonous
snakebite will not harm them as long as they are anointed by God’s power. If
they don’t practice the ritual of snake handling, they believe they are
destined for hell.”
Coots and Hamblin spent time searching the mountains for
deadly snakes to add to their churches’ snake collections. But the practice
has, on several occasions, landed the pastors in hot water with the law.
In 2008 Coots was arrested for keeping 74 snakes in his
home. Nine other people were arrested as part of an undercover sting operation
to seize venomous snakes in Kentucky. Last year, the pastor was given one year
of probation for crossing into Tennessee with venomous snakes. Snake handling
is illegal in most states, including Kentucky.
Saturday’s incident wasn’t the first time Coots has been
bitten by one of the snakes he has handled. According to the Lexington
Herald-Leader, Coots nearly died in the early 1990s after suffering a bite from
a large rattlesnake on his left arm. Then, in 1998, another rattlesnake bit
Coots on his middle finger.
“I lost this finger to a serpent bite,” Coots would later
say during filming of “Snake Salvation.” “The finger rotted, there was a
quarter inch of bone exposed. The finger broke off.”
As was the case in Saturday’s snake-bite incident, Coots
refused to be treated for previous bites as well.
“I never sought medical attention, because when I first
started in church I said if I ever went to a hospital or a doctor for a snake
bite I would quit church,” he told National Geographic during filming in 2013.
”We’re just normal people living day to day like everybody
else, most of us living hand to mouth, but what we believe, we believe, and we
practice it,” Coots said in 1998, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader.
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