The actual ‘Roswell Slides’ have yet to be revealed |
Undiscovered photographs which are said to show a humanoid alien
creature found near Roswell in a crashed spacecraft in 1947 are to
unveiled this May.
UFO sites such as Inquisitr describe the ‘Roswell Slides’ images as a ‘smoking gun’ which proves that aliens exist.
The pictures were supposedly found in an envelope in an attic, left by a geologist who worked near Roswell in the 1940s.
The slides will be unveiled in a ceremony by UFO researcher Tom Carey,
broadcast live from the 10,000-seat National Auditorium, Mexico City, on
May 5th.
Researcher Anthony Baraglia says, ‘What is depicted is really there,
accurately reflected in the emulsion as an actual moment in time in
1947. Science has weighed in and has determined that these are real
slides that are really from 1947.’
‘The Only Conclusion: This humanoid is not a deformed person, mummy, dummy, simian or dead serviceman.’
‘It is not a creature that finds its origin on Earth.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, says that other ‘UFOlogists’ are more sceptical.
Watson says, ‘There is already a considerable amount of cynicism and
scepticism about thse pictures, epecally since we have been promised the
real evidence for the Roswell crash in the past, and they have turned
out to be fakes and hoaxes.
‘The so-called Alien Autopsy films of the recovered aliens from the
crash, although very graphic, are now admitted to be re-enactments of
the real film that got lost or destroyed. So that evidence is useless
though still hotly debated in some quarters of ufology!
As for these latest pictures, well the sceptics are out in force. One
of the major niggles is that they are not being shown until the 5 May
at a UFO conference in Mexico. As one YouTube commenter puts it:
“I can see…they… are milking this thing for everything they can
possibly get. While claiming you were vetting authenticity of the slides
you were actually focused on the most important human aspect of this
whole situation – The Bottom Line: swinging a Mexican conference with
all the major UFO players, international live streaming pay per view, a
documentary, a book, advanced booking at all major UFO symposiums,
merchandising, mass multimedia platform, social networking, and don’t
forget merchandising.
“Kodachrome t-shirts and alien sticker included with $350 one day
conference entrance pre-order? Ka-ching. Well, at least you have your
priorities in order.”
‘This continued speculation, reinforces the concept of the Roswellian
Syndrome put forward by Joe Nickell and James McGaha. They note that
there are five main stages to this myth making process.
- The Incident. This is the event that initially triggers the crash retrieval rumours.
- Debunking. The recovered wreckage is quickly given a mundane explanation.
- Submergence. The story lingers in the fading memories and speculation of the local population.
- Mythologising. As time passes faulty memory, exaggeration and deliberate hoaxing comes into play.
- Re-emergence and Media Bandwagon Effect. The story resurfaces in the media and takes on a life of its own.
‘This process also plays out with other crash retrieval cases and UFO
incidents. Roswell is only the tip of the iceberg, as there have been
nearly 300 alleged flying saucer crashes throughout the world since
1947. Like the Roswell incident, they become more spectacular and
mysterious as time passes.’