Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Driverless cars to hit British roads for the first time EVER

The future has officially arrived.
Britain has today given the nod to driverless cars being trialed for the first time ever in a £19 million government-funded project.
And it means that if you live in either Greenwich, Milton Keynes, Coventry or Bristol you could be seeing one of the test vehicles as early as summer time this year.
Here are a few of the vehicles:

One of the driverless cars expected to hit the roads in Milton Keynes                     

 And one driverless ‘shuttle’ that will be hitting the roads in Greenwich

The decision today follows a government review showing there is no legal barrier to the testing of automated vehicles on public roads.
Despite the trial cars being given the green light, it could be several years before driverless cars are available to consumers.
First the government must publish a code of practice – expected this spring – and then it will be summer 2017 before domestic regulations are reviewed and amended to accommodate the new technology. this could see changes to the MOT test and a possible review of the Highway Code.

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